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League Program

2024-2025 Local League Program


Program Adopted for 2024-2025 (download PDF)


2024-2025 Adopted Program Action foci are listed below. They are intentionally broad so as not to be overly restrictive or comprehensive and to allow for a change of direction as needed over the course of the year due to unexpected events or circumstances.


RETAIN existing Glenview and Glencoe positions per the yearbook​


VOTER SERVICE (Sue Swaringen, Chair)

  • Establish an official Voter Service committee with defined scope of responsibilities and assignment of ownership to members for key areas like registration technology, candidate forums, voter education.

  • Build Voter Service corps through training, participation and delegation of responsibilities for various aspects of the voter engagement process.

  • Continue with proven methods and find new ones for increasing local voter participation in elections via these channels:

o Voter registration
o Voter education
o Election participation / voter turnout

  • Solidify LWVGG as definitive source of voting education and information in the community via these actions:

o Presence at community events during election season
o Host voter education seminars for public
o Partner with other organizations to build awareness of Voter Service efforts o Offer a series of election-related Lunch & Learns on topics like Ranked Choice

Voting and How Federal Judges Get on the Bench

  • Increase voter registration and education for seniors, e.g. recent resident relocations

  • “Build education around the ballot” to support more informed choices for judicial races or other races where candidate information may not be readily available


GOOD GOVERNMENT: Understanding, Transparency, Accountability & Access (Sheri Latash, Chair)

  • Better government in Glenview: Convene an interest group to define scope of work and goals to identify best management practices (for example):

o Building trustee training/expertise
o Trustee input to Board agendas
o Appointment process when a trustee is replaced
o Criteria for establishment of Commissions and appointment qualifications o Public input to government decisions and responsiveness to that input

  • Provide education to Glencoe members and to the public about the concept of “home rule” as they consider a future referendum on making Glencoe a home rule community

  • Consider adapting the current ‘How To” Guide to Local Government (Glenview) for other communities


OBSERVERS (Ann Yoshida, Chair)

  • Engage members to become Glenview Observers; support establishment of Observer corps in Northbrook and Glencoe – no progress in Northbrook or Glencoe

  • Host monthly Observer meetings to review and discuss government business and policy decisions

  • Publish LWVGG and LWVCC (highlights) Observer Reports on the LWVGG website

  • Increase Observer understanding of municipal budget structure



  • Collaborate with Glenview Public Library to develop a pilot Civic Engagement Hub

    • The aim of the hub is to provide resources, educational programs & skills training

  • Document civic engagement policies and practices for local officials

  • Communicate findings to the community



  • Member engagement

o Provide mentoring and education for new members
o Invite input from members to LWVGG annual Program Planning
o Increase opportunities for members to build advocacy skills, e.g.programs with

retired/current state legislators
o Educate members about laws and regulations, e.g. Open Meetings Act (OMA)

and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

  • Affordable and Fair Housing

o Monitor local government policies, plans, and practices and advocate for

adherence to current state and federal laws
o Support legislation and calls to action initiated by LWV-IL and LWV-US


SPECIAL INTERESTS: Areas of advocacy aligned with LWVIL issues and interests

  • Support legislation through education and calls to action, initiated by LWV-IL Issues and Advocacy specialists, e.g. Illinois SB /end of life medical support, LWVUS study/position on judicial oversight, including the Supreme Court

  • Prioritize areas of focus for advocacy

​o Criminal and Juvenile Justice
o Gun safety and Gun Violence Prevention

o Electoral College abolition

  • Support Environmental and Sustainability Initiatives​

    • Greener Glenview

    • ​Cook County Forest Preserves





Support the annexation of unincorporated areas into a municipality, and work for uniform services throughout the community to enhance a sense of community identity.



Study and support of measures to provide the best possible education and facilities for the children of Glenview and the schools they attend:  (1) Study of selected school referenda. (2) Support evaluation of plans and proposals to consolidate Glenview area schools. (3) Support the concept of the use of citizens' advisory committees.


Housing Affordability

Support meaningful and measurable efforts to address issues of housing affordability in Glenview, including assessment of the housing needs of Glenview residents and workers.


Local Government

  • Evaluate plans and proposals affecting the village and its environs.

  • Support the concept of intergovernmental cooperation.

  • Monitor the boards and commissions of the Village of Glenview government with action as deemed appropriate.

  • Support changes in practices, procedures, and policies that apply to the Appearance         Commission, Plan Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Board of Trustees to ensure adequate notice of proposed actions, open meetings, and accessibility to public records.

  • Support the concept of the use of citizens' advisory committees.




Business and Infrastructure

The Village should encourage the maintenance of a viable business district to both increase property and sales tax revenue and provide a convenient shopping area for residents. The League supports property tax relief legislation to ameliorate the burden for populations such as the disabled, the poor, and the elderly. The Village should make information publicly available regarding tentative budgets and the relationship of sizable expenditures to property taxes.  (1975, Revised 1997, 2010)


Caucus System in Glencoe

The League supports a caucus method of selecting candidates for elected public offices in Glencoe. Nominating committees should actively seek a pool of qualified candidates and should give equal consideration to incumbents and other candidates. (Revised 1997)


Housing for Special Populations

There should be a range of housing options for special populations (the mentally ill and developmentally disabled) in New Trier Township, including Glencoe, that is responsive to their needs. We support a continued role for New Trier Township in public education and coordination of township-wide efforts at housing solutions.  (New Trier Township Leagues 1988, Revised 2010)


Housing Options for Glencoe

There is a need for affordable housing in Glencoe, particularly for senior citizens, single-parent families, and young households. The League supports the establishment of a Housing Commission, which would study and make recommendations regarding housing needs, administer a Housing Assistance program and provide assistance regarding affordable housing. (2003)


Human Relations

The governing boards in the Village of Glencoe should have as a general purpose the protection and promotion of civil and human rights and liberties of all Glencoe citizens, employees, and visitors.  Each board should regularly re-examine, update and revise its human relations policy and along with their administrative staff should continually acquaint themselves with community concerns. The League recognizes the importance of a Human Relations Forum in Glencoe and supports its mission to promote the lawful preservation of human rights of all citizens. (1977, Revised 2010)


Public Safety Officer in Schools

There is no need to have a dedicated armed officer stationed in any of the District 35 schools and it is not good public policy to privately fund school district or village staff. (2015)


Solid Waste

Solid waste management policies should promote environmentally sound methods of source reduction, waste reduction, and recycling, with a goal of zero waste to landfill.  Waste management policies should identify solid waste as a potential resource. Local and regional units of government should design long-range plans to achieve these goals and conduct periodic assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of their waste diversion programs.


We support intergovernmental cooperation in the management of solid waste and encourage citizen participation and input in the form of citizen advisory committees. The League suggests that solid waste agencies evaluate operations using both direct (dollar) and indirect (land use and environmental impact) costs. (2012)


Criteria for Evaluation of School Funding Referenda

To have a basis to determine whether to support or not support school funding referenda the New Trier Townships Leagues developed criteria to be used in evaluating those referenda. (New Trier Township Leagues, 1998, Revised Criteria 2014)


New Trier Township High School Board and Caucus

The caucus system is a satisfactory means of nominating candidates for the New Trier High School Board.  Action should be taken to achieve more uniform representation based on the total population of elementary school districts, staggered two-year terms for all delegates, more publicity in the recruitment of school board candidates, and equal consideration of incumbents and other candidates. (1976) Note: Wilmette has dropped this position.


New Trier Township Government

New Trier Township Government is the best level of government to provide General Assistance and health and human services. The office of the Assessor should continue to be cost-effective.  (New Trier Township Leagues, 1985, Revised 1998)


New Trier Township Government Selection of Officials

The New Trier Township Leagues support a nonpartisan process for the selection of New Trier Township officials, committees, and advisory boards. The New Trier Citizens League, a caucus that slates candidates to serve as Township officials, should increase its visibility by publicizing its activities to provide for new representation and broader participation. (New Trier Township Leagues, 1978)


League of Women Voters (National) Summary of Policy Issues (2020-2022)

Download PDF


League of Women Voters (Illinois) Where We Stand: Positions in Brief (2021-2023)

Download PDF


Our Mission
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