League Advocacy
National Level
IMPACT ON ISSUES, the LWVUS compendium of its public policy positions, can be found at www.lwv.org/impact-issues.The 2020-2022 is updated to reflect positions adopted at the 2020 convention. These national League positions serve as the foundation for advocacy across all levels of the League. A summary of those positions is on the following pages.
State Level
WHERE WE STAND is LWVIL's companion document of public policy positions adopted by the state League in addition to those of LWVUS. Taken together, these publications and the League Principles form the basis for all action taken by Illinois Leagues on state and national issues. The 2021-2023 edition covers the LWVIL positions and action issues adopted at the 2021 convention, which are designed to help local Leagues use the state program effectively. The material is organized into four sections: Representative Government, International Relations, Environment and Social Policy. A summary of those positions is on the following pages. The full version can be found at www.lwvil.org/where-we-stand
County Level
The LWV of Cook County has adopted a limited number of positions that guide their work with government agencies at the county level. Those positions can be found at www.lwvcookcounty.org/lwvcc-positions.html.
Local Level
The Glenview-Glencoe League is the result of a 2015 merger. Prior to 2015, each League had studied and adopted positions on public policy issues of interest to their respective communities. Those positions are reevaluated at the annual Program Planning meeting. Also, at the Program Planning meeting, League members collectively discuss possible topics for focus in the coming year. From that meeting, a proposed action program for the coming year is voted on at the annual meeting.
League Positions
We conduct studies through a process that typically lasts from one to three years. We pursue facts and details, both positive and negative. Under the guidelines provided by the League, we create a group that:
studies the issue from all angles
arrives at a consensus (substantial agreement) on the questions asked in the study
writes a statement on our position
The Board of Directors forms a position based on that consensus and then actions are taken on the issue addressed by the position.